The Key – methodology for younger adults education

This is a strategic partnership project in the field of adult education primarily aimed to develop new, innovative and complementary methodology for younger adults activation and empowerment, supporting their transition to adulthood. We build cooperation between four partner organisations, Institute Bob from Slovenia, Volunterski centar Istra from Croatia, Conversas Associação Internacional from Portugal and Institute Perspectives from Bulgaria, who gathered forces in addressing these issues.



Magic Wand – in this strategic partnership project we strive to establish support elements for quality implementation of street work with young people in different local environments, across Europe. Partner organisations recognise street work as an approach by which we contact and build a confidential relationship with young people in their environment, where they live or spend their free time. As youth street workers we respect the dynamics of space, freedom and autonomy of young people, in order to make contact and include young people with fewer opportunities and those who, for various reasons, do not participate in organised activities and institutions.
In the strategic partnership, we also strive to increase the visibility of street work at local, regional, national and international level, which we recognised as an indispensable element for the further development of the field of work.

Intelectual output number 1:  Theoretical basis for street-based youth work

Intelectual output number 3: Magic Wand – activities for street-based youth work



Raising Neet’s talent – Street based youth work: International training for youth workers in the field of youth based street work.


2015 – 2017

PYTBUL (Post-YU Trilateral bottom Up Learning) je projekt strateškega partnerstva za razvoj novih orodij in modelov za opolnomočenje mladih v regiji in spodbujanja njihove (samo)zaposljivosti. V partnerstvu delujemo tri partnerske organizacije, Zavod Bob iz Slovenije, Volonterski centar Istra iz Hrvaške in Impact Hub Beograd iz Srbije. Ideja za projekt je nastala na podlagi slabšanja situacije na trgu dela v državah vključenih organizacij, kjer mladi hitro postajajo izključeni. Nenehno se jih potiska na rob socialne varnosti in izkorišča za slabo plačana dela.

Published on: 2 April 2014
Posted by: admin