This is the multilingual newsletter from PYLE, the strategic partnership under Erasmus+ programme. We offer (1) latest news from PYLE, the strategic partnership betwen three organizations from the Post-YU region, (2) information on policies, analysis and other documents concerning youth in early adulthood and (3) sharing stories of emancipatory learning where they DID IT!

For more articles regardig abovementioned issues do not hesitate to visit our Knowledge Exchange base on pyle.si.





The Post-YU for Learning Emancipation (PYLE) is a strategic partnership project in the field of adult education primarily aimed for developing new, innovative and complementary tools and models for empowering learners in the region and fostering self-employability among youth in early adulthood. We built cooperation between three partner organizations, Zavod Bob from Slovenia, Volonterski centar Istra from Croatia and CYA …

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PDCAE program started with implementation in Skopje, Macedonia

In December, Krik started implementing the program for Developing the Capacities for Autonomous Employment. The program is consisted of 4 modules. The first module was implemented in December, the second module will be implemented in January, the 3 module will be implemented in February and the 4th module will be implemented in March. The program is implemented by Mila Karadafova …

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Pula: Održan drugi susret Treninga za mentore/ice programa PRiKAZ

Pula: Održan drugi susret Treninga za mentore/ice programa PRiKAZ

U sklopu PYLE projekta, Volonterski centar Istra održao je drugi modul Treninga za mentore/ice programa PRiKAZ, 15. i 16.12.2018. u Puli. Podsjećamo, prvi susret je bio 24. i 25. studenog (kako nam je bilo, čitajte ovdje). Uz dvije voditeljice, sudjelovalo je ukupno 13 osoba, od kojih su dvije koje su se tek pridružile, a ostalih 11 je sudjelovalo i na …

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PYLE se predstavi ...

V družbi izobraževalcev odraslih na Letnem posvetu izobraževanja odraslih 2018 - zastopamo barve strateškega partnerstva Erasmus+ Post-YU for Learning Emancipation (pyle.si).

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POLICIES---legislation, analysis & other documents related to youth in early adulthood and adult education

Стратегија за образование на возрасни во Македонија

Македонија ја препознава важноста од развојот на образованието на возрасни и затоа е подготвена Национална стратегија за образование на возрасни. Стратегијата се имплементира во период од 2016 до 2020 година. Во изминатиот период, Стратегијата за образование на возрасни беше имплементирана од 2010 до 2015 година. Направена е ревизија и евалуација на истата врз основа на што е подготвена новата стратегија. …

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Poročilo EAEA o izobraževanju odraslih 2018

Poročilo EAEA o izobraževanju odraslih 2018

Združenje EAEA je med svojimi članicami že peto leto zapored opravilo anketo za pripravo letnega poročila o stanju na področju izobraževanja odraslih. Objavili so primerjavo razvoja izobraževanja odraslih v 37 državah članicah združenja, Izobraževanje odraslih v Evropi 2018 – pogled civilne družbe (Adult Education in Europe 2018 – A Civil Society View). V poročilu sta v središču pozornosti temi Digitalizacija …

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Adult Education in Macedonia

In Macedonia there are 2 public institutions which are responsible for the Adult education in general. One institution is the Center for Vocational Education and is focused more on providing support to the Vocational Education in general including high schools and other form of training facilities. They are also responsible for the occupational standards and their enrollment into the system. …

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The Need to Re-define Low-skillness

The Need to Re-define Low-skillness

The starting point of this project is high unemployment rates of youth in early adulthood (18 to 29 years) in countries of partner organization. In Slovenia it is at 20 %, while in Croatia it has been at 30% and in Macedonia 45 %. In the recommendations of the Employment Service of Slovenia it is stated that rates in Slovenia …

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SOMEONE DID IT---stories about emancipatory ways

Krik has celebrated 6 years existence

This year was the 6th year that CYA KRIK is actively working in the local communities. The Krik members celebrated the Krik birthday on 21st of December 2018 in the most inclusive bar in Skopje-Umbrella. Umbrella is a bar where there are a lot of people with disabilities which are employed. Information for Umbrella can be found here Before the …

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Influence, Involve and Train – Manual

In a project Implementing Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity – implOED they created  a manual titled Influence, involve and train – manual for practitioners, providers and policy-makers. The manual is intended for lecturers and providers in education and emphasizes approaches, very close to the principles of PYLE - Absolutely recommended  reading!

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Webinar: Include Youths with Special Needs in Youth Activities

In terms of Online Platform for Exchange of Special Needs Youth Work Methods (OPEN) project, on December 5th a Webinar will take place. The project combines the efforts of 5 youth NGOs and 1 umbrella organisation from 5 countries (BG, IT, MK, RO and SI) on crossectoral level (youth and school education) in developing the first online platform (OPEN platform) for validating …

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Implementing inclusive youth programs in Skopje, Macedonia

Why stop now?!? Center for Youth Activism CYA KRIK since its begging has been delivering inclusive youth programs in Special Schools and Special Institutions in Skopje.  This year this programs are continuing. What do we want? Inclusive societies! Where do we want it? NOW! We start with little steps, than bigger steps, than running and jumping into the world of …

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