This is the multilingual newsletter from PYLE, the strategic partnership under Erasmus+ programme. We offer (1) latest news from PYLE, the strategic partnership betwen three organizations from the Post-YU region, (2) information on policies, analysis and other documents concerning youth in early adulthood and (3) sharing stories of emancipatory learning where they DID IT!

For more articles regardig abovementioned issues do not hesitate to visit our Knowledge Exchange base on pyle.si.





The Post-YU for Learning Emancipation (PYLE) is a strategic partnership project in the field of adult education primarily aimed for developing new, innovative and complementary tools and models for empowering learners in the region and fostering self-employability among youth in early adulthood. We built cooperation between three partner organizations, Zavod Bob from Slovenia, Volonterski centar Istra from Croatia and CYA …

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What competences do our trainers need?

What competences do our trainers need?

Thinking in terms of our PYLE project, in which target group are professionals, adult educators who work with young people in early adulthood (youth workers, social pedagogues, andragogues and pedagogues, psychologists, social workers and others interested in training for working with unemployed youth), we have to think what is necessary to have while working and encouraging young people, especially those …

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Postani mentor programa PRiKAZ

Postani mentor programa PRiKAZ

Odpiramo prijave na usposabljanje za mentorje Programa za razvoj kompetenc za avtonomne zaposlitve (PRiKAZ).* Namenjeno je mladinskim delavcem, socialnim pedagogom, andragogom in pedagogom, socialnim delavcem in drugim, zainteresiranim za delo z brezposelnimi mladimi v zgodnji odraslosti (tudi brezposelnim!). Pozor! To ne pomeni, da sprejmemo zgolj te profile udeležencev, zato kar pogumno ... Termini usposabljanja: 5.-7. 10. 2018 (20 ur), 15.-19. …

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Autonomous employment: missing from employment policies/agencies agenda

Autonomous employment: missing from employment policies/agencies agenda

On the project meeting in Skopje (Apri 12th, 2018), participants from Bob, VCI and Krik organized a workshop to define the term “autonomous employment”. They previewed autonomous employment as something that needs to be self-sustainable and where workers have the awareness of constant learning and personal growth. “Passion should be involved as well although it should not be the focal …

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Ali si vedel_a ...

... da imamo od leta 1993 v Sloveniji Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju (ZSDU).   Primere samoupravljanja (podobno kot smo to poznali v Jugoslaviji) navsezadnje najdemo tudi v prenekaterih ustanovah zahodnega kapitalističnega sveta. Ideja o avtonomnih zaposlitvah, ki jih utemeljujemo v Programu PRiKAZ (Program za razvoj kompetenc za avtonomne zaposlitve, ki ga razvija Zavod Bob), se napaja v principih …

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Monthly PYLE meetings in Krik

Each month the team from the Executive office in Krik is having meetings about the progress of the implementation of the project activities. After the transnational meeting in Skopje, the team is working on updating the Intellectual output no. 1 and preparing for the project activities that follows. At the meeting that the team had in May, among the regular …

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POLICIES---legislation, analysis & other documents related to youth in early adulthood

National reporter for Youth Wiki from Macedonia is the National Youth Council of Macedonia

The Youth Wiki is Europe's online encyclopedia in the area of national youth policies. The platform is a comprehensive database of national structures, policies and actions supporting young people. It covers the eight main fields of action identified in the 2010-2018 EU Youth Strategy: education and training, employment and entrepreneurship, health and well-being, participation, voluntary activities, social inclusion, youth and …

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Youth Policy in Macedonia

The youth policies in Macedonia are in the focus of the youth organizations, governmental organizations and the politicians in the last year. The bigger representative body when it comes to youth policies is the National Youth Council of Macedonia. The National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) is a union of organizations where organizations and foundations from the Republic of Macedonia …

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Prekarni rad mladih u Hrvatskoj

Prekarni rad mladih u Hrvatskoj

U 2015. je u Hrvatskoj od svih zaposlenih 33.1% bilo prekarno što je u visoka brojka u odnosu na EU prosjek od 22%! Stoga se Mreža mladih Hrvatske (MMH) u svom desetom kvartalnom tematskom osvrtu o položaju mladih na tržištu rada fokusirala na prekarni rad, njegove oblike i negativne trendove kojima on doprinosi. No što je uopće prekarni rad? Prekarnim radom se …

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Innovation in Youth Work: Thinking in Practice (book)

Innovation in Youth Work: Thinking in Practice (book)

Book Innovation in Youth Work: Thinking in Practice, editet by Naomi Stanton and published by YMCA George Williams College, aims to offer reflections for youth workers to stimulate their thinking, dialogue and practice. Some of the sections include suggested activities that can be used with young people directly; others are for use with staff and volunteers to prompt discussion about youth …

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Poziv na sudjelovanje u istraživanju: „Utjecaj volontiranja na društvenu uključenost mladih"

Poziv na sudjelovanje u istraživanju: „Utjecaj volontiranja na društvenu uključenost mladih"

Volonterski centar Osijek provodi istraživanje o utjecaju volontiranja na društvenu uključenost mladih. Istraživanje se provodi u sklopu projekta „Making it matter“ u 6 zemalja – Danska, Irska, Njemačka, Belgija, Slovenija i Hrvatska. Kroz anoniman upitnik, koji se sastoji od 20 pitanja, žele čuti mišljenje i iskustvo neprofitnih organizacija s područja Republike Hrvatske koje uključuju mlade u volontiranje, s naglaskom na …

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Transformative learning for social transformation

Transformative learning for social transformation

'Many scholars note that only if members of marginalised group are able to establish a caring and safe community, an autonomous, confident space where learning processes can appear in a smooth, democratic, egalitarian and non-discriminatory way, then they can enter the journey of transformative processes. Concepts such as 'learning through struggle' (Foley, 1999), 'learning in struggle' (Vieta, 2014; Gregorčič, 2017), …

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Research on youth work in Croatia, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania

Research on youth work in Croatia, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania

"Research on youth work in Croatia, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania" represents the final step of a research activity on youth work within "Youth Work HD" project, funded by Erasmus+,  in four partner countries: Croatia, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania. The process that brought to the finalization of the 4 national reports involved: a desk research on Open Educational Resources for youth …

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SOMEONE DID IT---stories about emancipatory ways

Solidarnostna ali socialna ekonomija?

Solidarnostna ali socialna ekonomija?

Raziskovalka Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, dr. Marta Grgorčič, v članku z naslovom 'Solidarnostne ekonomije: k reapropriaciji in emancipaciji' raziskuje in preizprašuje solidarnostne in socialne ekonomije. Ali je pojma potrebno ločevati med seboj in zakaj, preberite v ČLANKU.   Program PRiKAZ deluje na osnovi solidarnostnih vrednot, kot jih je opredelila Generalna skupščina socialnih in solidarnostnih ekonomij v Ženevi (APRES-GE), in …

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Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle - PUM

Med primere dobre prakse emancipacijskega izobraževanja uvrščamo delo v programu Projektno učenje za mlajše odrasle. Program se uvršča med izobraževalne programe za odrasle, ciljna skupina pa so mlajši odrasli od 15. do 25. leta brez poklicne ali strokovne izobrazbe ter ustreznih zaposlitvenih izkušenj. Program s projektnim delom (projektnim učenjem), ki prehaja od oblike k metodi, ponuja drugačne prijeme pri izobraževanju …

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Alan Špiljak: "Mladi, slijedite svoje emocije!"

Alan Špiljak: "Mladi, slijedite svoje emocije!"

U razgovoru s Alanom Špiljakom (24) otkrili smo što pokreće ovog studenta Veleučilišta Velike Gorice. Alan studira Informacijske sustave, a kada nije zaokupljen tipkanjem programskih kodova posvećuje se svojim drugim strastima: animiranju i fotografiranju, a posebice sviranju klavira; za njega glazba predstavlja relaksaciju i oslobađanje emocija. Kada si svoju ljubav prema glazbi prenio u djelo? "Od 5. do 6. razreda …

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Kristijan Vulinović - ljubav prema računarstvu i radu s mladima

Kristijan Vulinović - ljubav prema računarstvu i radu s mladima

Proveli smo razgovor s Kristijanom Vulinovićem (22), studentom Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva te volonterom u Centru tehničke kulture Rijeka, koji nam je ispričao svoje dosadašnje iskustvo vezano uz računarstvo i dijeljenje tog znanja s mladim ljudima koje inspirira da naporno rade kako bi ostvarili svoj puni potencijal. Što je u tebi potaknulo ljubav prema računarstvu? "Iskreno, to je teško za reći. …

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