Moje Bobovstvo

I’m Amar from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I joined Bob’s team as a Trainee in October. In the next few rows I’ll try to tell you what I do and why am I here.

I came to Slovenia with a clear goal: to finish my studies and to explore street work (ulično delo). I want to become a Street Worker in the future. My first days at Bob where a small challenge for me. New working environment means new people, new rules, new language – new everything. However, everyone at Bob helped me during my first days so my adaptation was easy and smooth. The biggest help for me is my mentor Tina – she is always there to answer all my questions and help me resolve any doubts I might have.

My favourite part of the day is when I hop in the van to cruise the city together with the girls from the človekINJE team. Every day we go to another part of Ljubljana and meet with young people on the streets, parks and playgrounds. Hence, I met a lot of young people with different interests. When I’m not cruising the city I’m at the youth centre MC Bob where I spend time with young people – we talk about different stuff: school, friends, our free time and the interests we share, sometimes we also talk about small problems we face in life and we try to find solutions to overcome them, we also play table-soccer and other social games or we’re just hanging out on the sofa or cook a meal together. A lot of them helps me in learning Slovene, especially Tine – I’m making good progress, however it’s not enough to write this text in Slovene. I’m sure I’ll manage to do it next time.

Vir in foto: hanging out on the sofa with Tine, Vesna Cesar osebni arhiv – november 2018.

Back in Bosnia and Herzegovina I was doing youth work for eight years. I did a lot of different stuff to help young people. However, I mainly helped teens with the decision on what school or university program to attend and so help them get one step closer to their dream profession. I did this by helping them pinpoint their interests and accomplishments in life. Later we used those as a good starting point to plan the future and set clear goals. I’m helping young people explore and understand where their skills lie, and find out what skills they’ve already mastered. After all: there are plenty of opportunities to learn and develop skills, not just in school or as part of a vocational training. I do this with a cool instrument named ProfilPASS. You think something like this would help you or a friend you know? Come to the youth centre MC Bob at Robbova 15 and look me up. I’ll be very happy to help. I speak Yugoslavian, English, German and I’m learning Slovene.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as I enjoyed writing it. Hope to see you in our youth centre or to meet you on the streets of Ljubljana. Now I have to go. Others are waiting for me – we have a movie night tonight.

Published on: 12 November 2018
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